
Skin diseases affecting the scalp


There are many skin diseases that affect the scalp, which cause many negatives that affect the human being and make him feel uncomfortable, as these diseases result in many infections and itching in the scalp, hair fall and other negatives that affect the entire human body And not only the scalp, and here are the most common diseases that affect the scalp.


Skin diseases affecting the scalp


There are many general diseases that affect the entire human body, including diseases that affect certain parts of the body without the other, such as diseases that affect the scalp. You are exposed to any of these diseases, because these diseases, by their nature, affect the hair and its general health.



scalp psoriasis


Scalp psoriasis is a disease that affects the scalp, which occurs as a result of rapid skin growth, which leads to the formation of many thick cortical layers in the scalp of the hair, and they are in the form of spots of red color and topped with a layer of crust that is white or silver, causing This disease has many infections as a result of a large amount of dandruff on the scalp.


This disease is treated through the use of topical medicines on the scalp, in order to stop the skin from forming this huge amount of dandruff, which causes inflammation in the hair, and sometimes the inflammation is very large, in this case topical medicines do not work, so Some injections or other medicines are used to completely treat this disease.


seborrhoeic eczema


Seborrheic eczema is a disease that causes many greasy crust inside the scalp, which results in severe itching, and one of the most important signs of this disease is yellow spots in certain places on the scalp, and when the infection is severe, these spots are all over the scalp Head, and often people who get seborrheic eczema are people with oily skin.


Seborrheic eczema is caused by many bacteria and fungi that affect the head and cause this disease, and it is eliminated through the use of topical medications that kill bacteria and fungi that lead to eczema disease, and there are many types of shampoos specialized in the treatment of seborrheic eczema.


lichen planus


Lichen planus is one of the skin diseases that cause many skin infections, this disease occurs as a result of taking medications related to other health diseases, and this disease also occurs to people who suffer from hepatitis C, this disease may occur as a result of the use of chemicals to draw on the skin, these Substances have a negative effect on the skin, because they cause many infections and itching and are also a cause of lichen planus.


Lichen planus is not used for any medications for its treatment because it is a skin disease that treats over time, but we can use any of the topical medications that treat severe itching in the skin, until the disease is cured.


Contact allergy


Some people are allergic to some chemicals that are placed on the hair to dye or straighten it, or to some types of shampoo and creams that are placed on the hair, which causes contact allergy. This disease is treated by placing anti-allergic drugs on the skin to get rid of inflammation and severe itching. Who suffers from the skin as a result of infection with this disease.




This disease is one of the skin diseases related to the immune system, where the cause that leads to the occurrence of this disease is the lack of immunity or the occurrence of problems in the human immune system, resulting in alopecia areata that affects the skin, this disease affects people of different ages as it is not associated with a specific age And its symptoms are spots of different sizes and shapes scattered on the scalp, these spots are completely free of hair, and this disease causes hair loss, and it is treated by going to the doctor and taking the medicines prescribed by the doctor for the disease in front of him, as the treatment of This disease varies from case to case, and it is necessary to visit a doctor in order for the treatment process for this disease to take place correctly, and this disease may recover with the passage of time without taking any kind of medication.


The red wolf


Lupus is an autoimmune disease, as the body is unable to differentiate between the body's proteins and the foreign or foreign proteins coming from the outside, and accordingly the body attacks the proteins and parts of the body. With a thick crust of white color, this disease also results in hair loss, and it is treated through some medicines, whether oral medicines or topical medicines that are placed directly on the skin, to reduce the symptoms of the disease, as this disease is a chronic disease, meaning It remains with a person throughout his life, and taking medicines is only a way to reduce the pain caused by the disease.


Hair follicle infections


Folliculitis is an inflammation that occurs in the hair follicles, and it results from a lack of attention to personal hygiene and cleanliness of the head and hair, and may result from the use of a non-personal tool, which leads to pollution that causes hair follicle inflammatory disease, and this disease can be treated through the use of medicines Both topical and some antibiotics to eliminate these infections, and the recovery period from this disease may take some time, until all effects resulting from the disease are removed.


Ways to prevent skin diseases that affect the scalp


There are many ways and tips that can be followed to avoid diseases that affect the scalp:-


  • Maintaining the cleanliness of the head and hair, by washing the hair constantly and using medicinal materials that do not harm the hair and scalp.
  • Do not use chemicals that are used to dye hair, because these compounds are harmful to the skin and cause many infections.
  • Using personal tools and not using someone else's tools, because this is one of the ways through which the infectious disease is transmitted, as it is possible that the other person has a skin disease and it is transmitted to a healthy person through the use of his tools.
  • Ventilate the scalp whenever we have the opportunity, and not mute the hair for a large period of time, to not allow bacteria and fungi that cause skin diseases to grow in the scalp, as the lack of air entering the head activates the growth of bacteria and fungi that live in the head.
  • Eating vitamins and foods that nourish the scalp, in order to strengthen the hair and the abundance of the head, to a degree that makes it able to attack bacteria and fungi.




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