
How to transplant hair in Turkey

We will show you how to transplant hair in Turkey, where hair transplantation is one of the most common cosmetic treatments all over the world. Excessive hair loss may cause baldness and may lead some to avoid social activities. If you feel that your hair is starting to decline and the bulb is starting to die, you must go to Turkey to choose The best hair transplant clinics and surgeons in Turkey who are famous for their expertise and quality with reasonable costs.

How to transplant hair in Turkey in detail

There are two main surgical methods in the field of hair transplant surgery, which include Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), but with regard to recent medical developments, FUT technology is no longer the best in recent years, and the new technique is DHI hair transplantation .

The DHI method can also be considered as a more effective option that has been applied for a few years. The FUE method is good if it covers larger areas, and the DHI method provides a good rate to achieve higher hair density .

FUT . Technology

In FUT , a piece of skin is identified and divided into individual groups of follicular units under a microscope and then transplanted into the recipient area During this technique, the surgeon, after performing local anesthesia, opens a part of the skin of the scalp, usually at the back of the head, and the width is usually no more than 1.5 cm. From this strip, hair follicles are removed to be reinserted in the recipient place.

This process usually takes between 4 and 8 hours, and after completion, you must start taking the necessary medications and painkillers. It is expected to wait about 6 to 9 months to notice the results. This technique is characterized by cheapness and the ability to remove a large number of hair follicles.

FUE . technology

FUE technique is very common in Turkey also called FUE technique where each hair graft (hair follicle) is removed from the donor one by one using the punch tool which prevents scarring while the FUT technique leaves a permanent scar on the site of extraction and reception.

Advantages of FUE technology

  1. Faster recovery time.
  2. Less pain after surgery.
  3. Not causing scars or wounds.
  4. The possibility of using hair follicles from different parts of the body.

FUE Ambassador technology

This technique is considered one of the safest techniques is the FUE technique in which blades of a stone similar to a sapphire are used, as sapphire is a high-quality stone known for its hardness, durability and brightness. Low risk of tissue damage and infection and the recovery process is shorter.

Advantages of Ambassador technology

  1. The substance of the tool protects the hair follicles and precisely opens the channels.
  2. It does not leave any marks on the scalp.
  3. Get a more natural look.
  4. Quick recovery as no major damage to the scalp occurs.

How to transplant hair in Turkey with the DHI technique

Hair transplantation with DHI technique is a different method of FUE technique , where the main difference is how hair is transplanted. In FUE technique , incisions are made in the entire scalp and follicle units on these incisions. By using DHI technique , there is no need for any surgical incisions, as a modern medical instrument similar to The pen is patented during each scalp transplant, and also in this way, the robotic hair transplant system can also be applied, and this method contributes to obtaining a natural appearance, but the application of this method is more laborious and expensive.

Advantages of DHI

  1. Those with androgenetic alopecia can do it.
  2. It is the most effective option for hair transplantation.
  3. It is considered a safe technique and rarely causes complications.
  4. It can be said that this method does not have scars.

Advantages of hair transplantation in Turkey

Every year, a large number of tourists come to Turkey with the aim of performing hair transplant operations from all over the world, and here we will present the advantages of that

reasonable costs

Prices in Turkey are more reasonable than the rest of the world. In Europe and the United States, the cost ranges between $7,000 and $25,000 for the FUE method . In Turkey, the entire procedure, including transportation and accommodation expenses, costs between $2,200 and $7,000, depending on various variables such as the number of follicles required and the method. Selected clinic and surgeon .

More advanced medical technologies

In Turkey, surgeons prefer to use the FUE technique (follicular unit extraction), which has minimal pain during recovery with no visible scars and quick recovery. No scalpels, staples or sutures are used, while the FUT method (follicular unit transplantation) requires removal of the skin. FUE technique The follicular units are individually removed from the patient's donor area and transplanted one by one into the area of ​​skin thinning .

  • High quality in all aspects: Due to the fierce competition in the sector in Turkey, the clinics are constantly working to improve their methods, conditions and facilities to provide the best service to their patients .
  • All-inclusive packages: There is not much to be said about the facilities offered by the clinics thanks to the competition among them as they are offered offers to their patients such as free airport to hotel transfers, free airline tickets, free accommodation in good hotels, etc.
  • Owning the best surgeons: Hair transplant operations are common in Turkey, so there are a large number of surgeons who have many years of experience in this field and are always proactive to discover and apply the latest treatment techniques .
  • Waiting list: Unlike European countries, for example, you do not have to wait for months in Turkey due to the presence of many high-quality JCI-accredited clinics .
  • Geographical factors: Turkey serves as a bridge between Asia and Europe and is positioned as a treatment destination by all patients from both continents.
  • Tourism factors: annually there are about 37 million tourists who visit Turkey, of whom approximately 270,000 come for surgeries, as Turkey provides a great opportunity to spend the recovery process in charming holiday destinations or tourist attractions in the city.

The most important hair transplant centers in Turkey

  • East Favor Clinic in Istanbul: It is an important clinic that is subject to international standards and contains all methods of hair transplantation and takes into account all procedures related to the pandemic.
  • Asmad Clinic: It is one of the clinics that receives large numbers of patients, especially from European countries.
  • AHD Clinic by Dr. Hakan Doganay: It is a professional center that receives both male and female patients with the latest technology by the expert doctor Hakan.
  • Dr. Sibil Ulusan Hair Clinic: It is a well-known clinic in Izmir that follows the latest medical technologies. Dr. Sibil has her experience as a member of the International Society of Hair Surgery since 25 years.

Thus, we have presented how to transplant hair in Turkey, as Turkey is considered the most abundant country in hair transplantation centers and among the first to use the latest technologies, and its centers are distinguished by medical quality with a specialized expert staff with the presence of tourist services that transform the medical trip into a comfortable and refreshing leisure trip.

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