
Hair transplantation in Turkey by the pyructan method

Hair transplantation in Turkey by the pyructan method, science is still developing day after day, as there is always a new invention and an important discovery that pushes the wheel of development forward, and among the most important discoveries of modern science is hair transplantation in Turkey by the pyructan method, as this technique is highly developed Basically approved.

What does hair transplantation in Turkey mean by the pyructan method?
But what does the term pyructane mean? It was adopted in Turkey and the leading European countries in the field of hair transplantation, where the pyructane idea depends on opening the hair channels in the bald area in order to transplant the follicles in the same direction as the patient’s hair through the pyroctane device, which carries circular needles that make incisions in the places where hair is to be transplanted.

The most important feature of hair transplantation in Turkey by the pyructan method
Relying on hair transplantation in Turkey with the pyructan method has several advantages, the most important of which are:

No bleeding after the operation.
It is a method that does not take long.
The patient does not take long to recover.
The resulting redness is less compared to the incision technique.
It can control the direction and degree of hair growth.
With the pyroctane technique, approximately 45 grafts can be transplanted per square centimeter.
Transfer more cells by this technique.
Peroctan technology provides the patient with a more natural appearance of hair than other transplant techniques.
How is hair transplantation in Turkey done by the pyructan method?
The process of hair transplantation in Turkey takes place by the pyructan method through several steps, the most prominent of which are the following:

Local anesthesia:
As it is the first step in the operations, in which the patient is anesthetized before undergoing the hair transplant operation in Turkey by the pyructan method, as this anesthesia is according to the patient’s condition, but in this technique, local anesthesia is through injection or paint.

Follicle extraction:
It is considered the second stage of hair transplantation by the pyructan method, where there will be a donor area that will give hair to the area in which the hair is to be transplanted, and from this area a group of follicles will be taken through the extraction, and then the follicles are transplanted.

Open channels:

This step takes place using the pyroctane pen, and its purpose is to prepare the places where the transplant will be carried out, bearing in mind that this will be done according to the plan set by the doctor based on the operation, and that the channels that will be opened will be in a circular shape.

The difference between the pyructane technique and other hair transplant techniques

Of course, there is a difference between the pyructan hair transplantation technique and other hair transplantation methods, as the FUE technique needs to shave the hair completely, but the pyructan technique does not need that in some cases; Because it focuses on the location of the operation only, also another technique in hair transplantation such as FUE or Tucci pens may need a period of recovery after, but through the proctan technique, you do not need a recovery period, but perhaps the recovery period is less as it is a temporary process.

The Piroctane method in hair transplantation is more cost-effective than other techniques, but with a small difference and not a big one. The Piroctane method can control the degree of hair growth and the direction you want, as other techniques cannot do that.

The pyroctane method provides a large density in terms of the amount of transplanted follicles, which are issued from 45 to 50 bulbs, and this is due to the available cracks, as for other techniques, which make the cultivation of 30 bulbs, for example, a maximum.

The cost of hair transplantation in Turkey by the Peructan method
Many people wonder about the cost of hair transplantation in Turkey by the pyructan method and the techniques that doctors use in the hair transplant process in general, their prices range from 1500 to 3000 dollars, but the price varies according to the technology used in hair transplantation.

However, there are some other things that unite the price, the most important of which are:

The reputation of the place and the experience of the hair transplant center, as many hair transplant centers in Turkey open their doors to perform hair transplant operations, but do all of these centers have a great reputation? Of course not, there are a group of centers that have a great reputation, because they have many years in this field.

There are centers that do not have enough experience, so the price will vary according to the most demand and the experience of the hair transplant center in Turkey.

The experience of doctors, of course, the experience of doctors determines the price of the cost of hair transplantation in Turkey once and for all. The experienced doctor cannot be compared to an ordinary doctor, but in general, doctors in Turkey are distinguished and have great experience in their field of specialization.
Duration of stay, the shorter the length of stay, the lower the cost of hair transplantation, and this is the normal situation.

But in general, the cost of hair transplantation in Turkey with the pyructan method ranges from 1200 dollars to 1500 dollars.

Turkey and the process of hair transplantation method Alberoctan
Some may wonder why a person should choose Turkey for a hair transplant with the proctan technique, and this is due to several reasons, including the most important:

Turkey provides all the capabilities that may be needed in this process, as the pyroctane technique for hair transplantation needs some other special devices next to it, and all of these devices are available in Turkey.
There are centers accredited by all different medical organizations, as these organizations pay great attention to cosmetic operations, and you will certainly be confident of all operations performed in Turkey, as these centers offer many documented certificates of accreditation in this regard.
The appropriate cost, certainly when there are great possibilities, the cost will rise, but the exact opposite happens in Turkey, where we find that medical centers provide operations at an average price that suits everyone.
Attention to the stage after the operation, as all accredited centers in Turkey take care of the patient after the operation, or what is known as “Mr

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