
hair loss and treatment

Hair bombing and its treatment is one of the problems that many people face. Hair is a crown on the head of every person, whether man or woman, so everyone seeks from time to time to take care of it and nourish it in more than one way to obtain an attractive appearance of hair to avoid breakage and fall, and avoid the occurrence of Early baldness, hair is an essential part of the human body and a distinctive beauty mark, whether it is hair on the head or hair on the body, and it consists of three layers: the outer covering of the hair, the visible part, or the “hair stem” and a middle layer that gives the hair its strength and stiffness, as well as the medulla layer, the part The inner part of the hair that contains the hair follicle and from which the hair shaft emerges.

The difference between broken hair and split hair

Hair breakage is different from hair breakage, as hair breakage is hair loss from the roots when the hair follicles are inactive, and it is a break in the length of the hair in any section of the hair.


Hair breakage is caused by people exposing their hair to extremely high temperatures for long periods of time, as well as excessively frequent haircuts that injure and damage the outer layers of the hair.


Sometimes hair breakage is due to aging, as a result of a natural lack of moisture, as there is a decrease in the production of natural oils in the hair as a result.

 The most important aspects of daily hair care

Brushing your hair at least once a day to get the circulation going is one aspect of daily hair care, and as a result, it promotes healthy hair growth and lustrous shine.


At this stage, the person who wants to take care of his hair and protect it from breakage and fall should not comb his hair when he finishes showering and exit the bathroom directly, where the hair is at its weakest when it is wet. 


Which helps to break a person's hair if they comb it in this scenario.


Hair care methods are the method of washing the hair itself, based on the nature and type of hair. 


If a person has dry hair, he should wash his hair every two or three days, on the other hand, people with normal hair should wash their hair daily.


 Owners of fine oily hair should wash it daily to maintain its health.

Topical causes of hair breakage

There are common preventable causes of hair loss, in addition to the frequent difficulties experienced by many girls and men, while preventing hair breakage and protecting it from external damage. 


The typical mistake that many people make is due to its elasticity, as well as one of the reasons associated with washing hair, which loses its vitality and luster.


Others use the right shampoo for their hair type, nature and type, as well as conditioner or soap, but they don't rinse their hair well, causing serious damage to their hair.


 Hair breakage and brittleness occurs as a result of wrapping the hair around the scalp.


 Other factors and common mistakes include the use of hair styling products that contain alcohol by some people, which leads to increased dryness, hair loss, and weakness.

Natural hair loss treatment

There are many natural ways to treat hair loss and dryness in the early stages of the problem, and the most important natural way to treat hair loss and dryness is the hot oil bath.


It is a well-known method, and it is one of the easiest and simplest ways to treat hair loss, while also being considered one of the most effective and one of the most effective methods.


The main ingredients are 2 tablespoons of almond oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the same amount of jojoba oil and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, which are ingredients that are available in every home.


A person who wants to treat their hair breakage with the procedure begins immediately after preparing the materials by mixing all the ingredients together at the same time and then heating the mixture on a very low temperature or just heating the mixture.


Do not leave it to boil because boiling can have an opposite and harmful effect on the hair and scalp in general. After heating the mixture over low heat, a soft and gentle massage of the mixture is done on the hair.


Followed by covering the hair for at least thirty minutes so that the hair can take full advantage of the mixture during that time.


The hair is then washed from the mixture with a small amount of shampoo suitable for the type of hair, and it should be noted that this step or this method should not be repeated more than once a week to avoid complications that may arise as a result of hair fatigue and damage due to repeated attempts.

The importance of caffeine for hair health

 Caffeine stimulates hair growth and helps make hair follicles resistant to the virulent effect of testosterone, according to a study. Coffee is, of course, a source of caffeine, but it is an oral source through which caffeine is taken from the body. 


Caffeine reaches the scalp through the digestive system and spreads evenly throughout the body, so its concentration does not reach significant levels. Coffee must be applied directly to the scalp for the caffeine to be effective.

Hair loss treatment due to vitamin deficiency

Although this part is no less important than nourishing hair roots or follicles, it is primarily responsible for nutrition that delivers vitamins and nutrients to the hair because it is related to the blood circulation. 


However, it is necessary to pay attention to the treatment of hair loss from the ends so that this does not happen.


If a person discovers that the cause of hair loss is a lack of vitamins, the actual treatment for hair loss is either to take pills to treat the bombing, or to take care of healthy food as much as possible, which includes maintaining vitamins on a regular basis.


 The daily rate for the prevention of many problems that in turn affect human health, for example the ability of this vitamin to protect the cellular meals of hair follicle cells and roots.


As well as the importance and requirements of eating it regularly at a dose ranging from 50-400 in most treatment units, justify the interest in eating foods that contain vitamin E.


Vitamin C is also vital for hair because of its ability to maintain collagen content, which is the substance that gives hair its softness, and vitamin A is one of the necessary and essential vitamins that protect hair in general and follicles in particular from formation.


Finally, it is necessary to maintain and take care of the hair on a regular basis to protect it from breakage as much as possible, because hair breakage at the end of the month is a psychological drain due to the bad appearance of split hair.


 No matter how the person whose hair has been cut tries to trim it, as it causes split ends, there is a big problem that severely prevents hair growth, and split ends may extend from the ends to include and reach the roots of the hair and roots.


Which leads to damage to the hair follicle itself, causing hair loss and baldness, and as a result, everyone should pay attention to the treatment, care and maintenance of hair loss.


And the realization that the treatment of hair loss takes time and attention and attention to produce visible and tangible results, so the person should not get tired of it soon.


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