
FUE technique for hair transplantation in Turkey

FUE hair transplantation in Turkey aims to restore a more youthful appearance to those suffering from hair loss, especially androgenetic alopecia and

Hair replacement surgery is to take a sample of permanent hair along with its roots to an area of ​​the skin that suffers from baldness or from having thin hair. There are many cosmetic techniques available in Turkey for hair transplantation, but the best, newest and most widely used method today is hair transplantation with the technique of FUE micro-extraction.

Also, hair transplant surgery with micro-extraction technique for hair transplantation in Turkey (FUE) is a technique capable of providing permanent and natural-looking results. The minimally invasive hair restoration procedure requires neither scalpels nor sutures, and does not leave a linear scar on the scalp. This allows it to provide superior aesthetically improved results over other conventional techniques.

This technique is primarily used to treat male-pattern baldness. During this minimally invasive procedure, hair follicles are taken from the donor area and transplanted into a bald scalp that contains weak or almost non-existent hair follicles. Hair transplantation can also be a matter of Usually used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair and bush hair and fill in scars from accidents or surgeries such as face-lifts and previous hair transplants.

How is FUE hair transplant performed in Turkey

FUE is performed under local anesthesia and the follicle donor site is likely near the back of the scalp. Whereas, instead of taking a long strip of tissue containing multiple follicular units, a special micro puncture instrument is used to remove individual follicle units directly from the scalp, which is the micro picking technique for hair transplantation in Turkey.

The ability to harvest individual follicles for transplantation gives the doctor the opportunity to select the best possible follicles that are likely to survive, which in turn will provide better results. The harvested follicle units are then carefully and accurately placed on the scalp to be transplanted to ensure a natural appearance and successful results.

Healing from FUE hair transplantation

The minimally invasive method used to perform FUE hair transplantation means that the recovery period is significantly shorter compared to the older methods of transplantation.

The micro-incisions of the donor area may be red for a day or two and the recipient area will appear normal in about seven days.

Most patients are able to return to work a day or two after the procedure.

New hair begins to grow in about 3 months. The hair will continue to thicken over the next months with the biggest difference being around six to nine months. The final results are usually visible in an entire year.

All of the hair's natural characteristics of colour, texture, and growth rate remain unchanged because it fragments all the same characteristics it had in the donor area.

The cost of FUE hair transplant in Turkey

It is known that Turkey offers hair transplant operations at a low cost compared to other European countries, in addition to the facilities that it gives you during treatment in Turkey's centers and hospitals, from free accommodation to private transportation, care and punctuality, which made it at the forefront of the popular countries in plastic surgery and hair transplantation in particular. The cost of performing the micro-extraction process ranges between 1500 - 2500 US dollars, which in recent years has made it a great demand from all parts of the world. This price usually includes accommodation as well as transportation from the airport and hotel. Turkey is currently a destination with a high value for money and is also considered the gold standard. Hair transplantation around the world receives hundreds of thousands of hair transplant patients every year.

Stages of hair transplantation using FUE technique

The stages of hair transplantation using Micro FUE or Nano FUE technique are no different from other stages of hair transplantation

It passes through five main stages, which are as follows:

First: Draw the hair line:

This stage is considered one of the most important stages of the operation, because of its impact on the patient’s appearance and the final results that he will obtain.

Second, local anesthesia before the operation:

At this stage, both the donor and transplanted areas are anesthetized and only local anesthesia is done before starting the operation. The area may take 10 to 15 minutes to numb, and now hair transplantation is performed through local anesthesia without pain, thanks to Special anesthesia machines developed in Turkey.

Where this device numbs the desired area by injecting the anesthetic liquid into the skin by pumping, so you do not feel any pain, only the feeling of anesthesia in the area.

Third, the stage of picking the follicles:

It is the stage of extracting the follicles from the donor area, usually from the back of the head or side area, and the stage of extracting the grafts begins after local anesthesia of the patient

It is worth noting that the donor area is not affected by the hormones responsible for hair loss in the rest of the head.

This stage is done using a specially designed instrument with a specific diameter ranging from 0.7mm to 1mm which works perfectly without any manual contact which is called the micro hair transplantation technique in Turkey.

This stage takes from two to three hours, depending on the number of follicles to be extracted. The number of follicles that can be collected depends on the density of the donor area and the extent of your need to cover baldness areas or thicken light hair in an area. These small and invisible holes heal quickly the next day without leaving any trace


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