
Alopecia symptoms and treatment methods.

Alopecia symptoms and methods of treatment, alopecia is one of the problems that haunt a lot, whether for men or women, it is found in both, it is a vacuum in the hair that appears clearly, and this form is not satisfactory for those who suffer from it, if you suffer from the presence of alopecia In the hair of his head and trying to find a cure for this problem, or you know someone who suffers from it and you are trying to help him find the appropriate treatment, or even trying to find out the reasons for the appearance of alopecia in the hair in order to avoid this problem.

 Today in this article we will show you how you can overcome this problem, the causes of its appearance and symptoms, and how you can avoid the appearance of alopecia in the hair of your head. In the coming lines we will answer the questions in your mind about this problem in general.


Causes of alopecia areata.

Before digressing to talk about the symptoms of alopecia, which appears in the hair of the head, the beard, or some other areas in which it appears less, you must first know the main reasons that make such a disease appear clearly on you, and those reasons are as follows:

• Diabetes. Diabetes is one of the main causes of alopecia areata. Owners of this disease are considered among the most vulnerable to alopecia.

• Rheumatoid, or arthritis, this disease is one of the most common diseases that make its owners vulnerable to alopecia areata.

• Genes may also affect the appearance of symptoms of alopecia areata on a person with such a disease. The genetic factor is among the list of causes of alopecia areata. A person with a family member with this disease is also considered the most vulnerable person to infection according to the laws of genetic factors.

• Eczema, also eczema is among the most common reasons that make people affected by it susceptible to alopecia areata. This skin disease that causes itching for humans is one of the reasons for the appearance of alopecia in the affected person's hair.

• Thyroid-related diseases, one of the causes of alopecia areata and its appearance, is the person's suffering from one of the thyroid-related diseases in the human body.


Causes of psychological alopecia.

There is no doubt that a large number of organic diseases that people suffer in general, are among the causes of which the person suffers from some mental illnesses, and alopecia in particular. There are some causes and psychological diseases that make this disease begin to appear on the patient, and these diseases are as follows:

Depression: There is no doubt that depression causes serious organic problems for those who suffer from it, and among these problems is the appearance of symptoms of alopecia areata on a patient who suffers from depression.

• Tension: It is obvious that a person suffering from stress on a continuous basis causes him to have harmful organic and physical diseases, and one of the most prominent of these diseases that stress may cause is alopecia, as tension helps the symptoms of this disease appear on the affected person.

• Psychological stress: It is no secret to any person that being under pressure and subjecting him to permanent psychological pressure is one of the most common reasons why a person suffers from serious physical problems. Perhaps one of these symptoms that appears on a person suffering from stress is the symptoms of alopecia.



Alopecia symptoms.

Perhaps a disease like alopecia when it affects the head will have a variety of symptoms through which you can know that a disease like this attacked your scalp so that you can treat it and get rid of it, and in order to know how to treat and overcome such a disease, you must first know the symptoms of alopecia in general, Among the most obvious symptoms of alopecia are:

1. Hair loss. Head hair loss is the most prominent symptom of alopecia areata. At first, hair falls out in small areas inside the head, and then this loss begins to increase.

2. Hair loss that predicts the appearance of alopecia may occur in other areas of your body, such as the chin area, the area of ​​​​the eyelashes, or the eyebrows.

3. For some people, the area of ​​hair loss may be small, and this area may increase in some people, and it appears as large, prominent spots on the chin or scalp.



Is alopecia contagious?

We have previously explained that alopecia appears in the form of spots in an oval or circular shape inside the hair of the affected person or his chin significantly, and it may appear in other less harmful areas such as the eyebrow or eyelashes, and perhaps among the most important questions that may come to the mind of a person suffering from alopecia areata Is this disease dangerous and may cause infection to others?, or someone who has a close person who suffers from the symptoms of this disease, the question that occupies his mind will be, is alopecia areata contagious to me?,.

In order for us to answer this question, you must first know that alopecia does not cause redness in the skin of the person affected by it, and also does not cause him any itching, it is just a vacuum that appears in the hair of the affected person, and we want to assure you that alopecia is not contagious, and it is not transmitted from a person to another.


Alopecia disease treatment.

The most important question now is how can I overcome this disease? And how can I treat alopecia in general? You must know that some cases of alopecia do not need treatment. When the patient's condition is mild, his hair will gradually grow again without intervention, But if the case is severe, at this time the doctor may write some medications that stimulate hair follicles to grow again, and among the reasons that are used to treat alopecia are:

• Topical treatments:

In this case, the doctor prescribes some medications to treat alopecia and make hair grow by using some topical ointments directly, or by injecting the scalp with special formulations.

Other methods of treatment:

Other, more difficult methods may be used to treat alopecia, which is in a late state, and whose owner suffers from spreading widely on separate areas of his head, the doctor may use ultraviolet rays to treat this type.


We can also not lose sight of the most important way so that the patient with alopecia can skip the treatment journey and succeed in it, and this method is for the people surrounding the patient to provide him with social and psychological support. The most important causes of this disease, mental health, in addition to the medicines used in the treatment of alopecia areata, has a fundamental and effective role to get rid of the problem of alopecia, and to eliminate it permanently, and to obtain a satisfactory appearance for you in your scalp, chin and all your body.



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