
The most prominent complications and potential risks after hair transplantation
A person will still be exposed to one of the possible complications and risks after hair transplantation, even if hair transplantation operations are classified as plastic surgeries that can be safely undergone, to the extent that the anesthesia you need to perform is local; This is due to the nature of the Sunnah of life, which imposes the existence of defects in everything as well as advantages, and here is the treatment of baldness for example, so that perfection always remains an attribute of God alone.

Possible risks during a hair transplant procedure
Possible complications and risks after hair transplantation, some of which may occur during the transplant procedure, and here they are directly caused by the doctor responsible for performing the surgery; Whether due to his lack of experience or his committing a specific mistake, this leads to the following:

1/ Scalp hemorrhage
The worst thing that can happen during the operation at all, comes as a result of improperly extracting hair follicles from the donor areas in the head, as well as if the doctor miscalculated the size of the incisions he made to install the hair follicles to be implanted in the head.

2/ bacterial infection
Bacterial infection may occur during the hair transplant procedure; As a result of poor preparation by the doctor and his staff, for example, when they act negligently with regard to the sterilization of the tools used in the procedure, or that the room in which the operation is performed is unclean or not properly prepared, and the scalp bleeding that occurs as a result For blood to come out of one of the incisions to fix the follicles, it can cause a bacterial infection.

Risks involved after hair transplantation
The staff responsible for your hair transplantation has completed its task correctly, it does not necessarily mean that you have become safe from potential complications and risks after hair transplantation; Because the actual damage resulting from these operations increases the chances of it occurring after the completion of the procedure, and those risks fall within the scope of the following:-

1/ Donor area bleeding
If you finish the hair transplant and then go to sleep in a physical position that was not agreed upon with the doctor, or if the bandages placed on the injured areas in your head are not tight, then you will be here on a date with the bleeding of the donor area from which the follicles were removed, when friction occurs between them and An external surface, you will find blood has flowed from it.

2/ headache
Hair transplantation, during which you are exposed to incisions in your head, and hair follicles are removed from one place to be placed in another, and do not forget the local anesthetic; So it is obvious that you will experience pain in your head after undergoing it, but it may be a bigger problem than that if the headache lasts for more than one week.

3/ Swelling of the scalp
It is a normal side effect of hair transplant operations, but in some cases, the doctor implants the follicles at a greater depth than they are supposed to be placed in, causing inflammation of the scalp and annoying swelling in it.

4 / the formation of skin vesicles
They are circular skin bubbles that can appear singly, or combine to form groups that appear below the surface layer of the skin, and the treatment is to drain the fluid inside those vesicles correctly; To avoid any infection.

5 / swelling of the face
It is not classified as a health problem caused by hair transplants, as it is no more than dark-looking bulges that form at the forehead, and you may find them surrounding the eyes as well. The crisis of that side effect lies in spoiling the individual's external appearance for a period of time.

6/ cysts
It is normal for some pimples to form in the area where you transplanted your hair, the annoying thing is that it may develop to the extent of the appearance of cysts, but rest assured that it is not classified by the largest doctors as a health crisis, but rather a minor side effect, but you face any difficulty in overcoming it with the help of Your doctor's instructions.

7/ hiccup
We can also call it hiccups, and it is not common after hair transplant operations, it only happens to five percent, and it accompanies you for a few days during which it is somewhat annoying and then goes on its way, and the doctor may help you to get rid of it when it exceeds the limit, as for some pharmaceutical.

Other side effects of hair transplant surgery

This type of possible complications and risks after hair transplantation can be classified as temporary side effects; Because it often goes away on its own without any intervention, and this happens accelerates whenever the person who underwent hair transplantation adheres to the instructions of his treating doctor, and perhaps the most prominent of these side effects are the following:-

1/ For a short period of time, the density of the hair is somewhat low, and this is called hair thinning.

2/ Your feeling of what we might call numbness in the scalp.

3 / The great desire to itch, especially where the hair that you transplanted is located.

4/ Disorders in the sleeping habits of the person who underwent the surgery.

5 / Infections of all kinds, but antibiotics are an effective weapon to deal with them, and you can get the types that suit you by consulting a doctor.

6/ Scars of different degree to which they appear.

Tips to avoid problems caused by hair transplantation
The former said that one dirham of prevention is better than a pound of treatment, and therefore we should look at the possible complications and risks after hair transplantation as something that can be avoided, with the help of the doctor who specializes in this type of operation, who, in addition to his guidance and support, will often give you the following advice :-

1/ The last thing you want to face is the risk of blood thinning, so the doctor will work to keep you away from any drug or drink that may cause you to do so.

2/ You should completely stop the habit of smoking, and also stay away from drinking alcohol, so as not to be exposed to any of the risks of those bad habits, and not to spoil the hair transplantation step you took.

3/ Stay away from hot weather, as your head will not bear it especially during the first week of the operation.

4/ Bandages will be necessary after hair transplant surgery, otherwise bleeding will occur.

5/ Your head should be elevated when you want to sleep.

6/ It is not in your interest to exert a lot of physical effort in the period

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