
Androgenetic baldness in men

Do you feel an increase in your hair loss in the recent period?

Are voids starting to appear on your head and hair is no longer growing again?

Did any of your parents suffer from baldness at a young age?

If all your answers to these questions are yes, then you are at risk of developing genetic baldness in men, which we will talk about in our article for today in all its details and causes. Follow us to learn about it..

How does genetic baldness occur in men?

There are areas in the scalp where hair grows permanently most of the time, the most important of which is the back and sides of the head, and there are other areas that are prone to hair loss and baldness because the hair follicles located in them are directly linked to testosterone receptors, which are present in men in high rates and at low levels This hormone resulting from its transformation into one of its secondary derivatives, which is dihydrotestosterone, hair follicles shrink and hairs tapering in the beginning to fall out later and stop its growth in these areas in the end, and the effects of genetic baldness may appear in men as early as the twenties or adolescence.

Causes of genetic baldness in men

The name of this disease is evidence of its main cause, as this condition is transmitted from parents to children over generations and is closely linked to genetic genes that cannot be controlled or controlled to avoid infection with this disease, but there are a group of factors that stimulate the emergence of genetic baldness early and cause its effects to become clear prematurely, and they are as follows:

Some types of medicines

Psychological disorders and stress

Autoimmune diseases

Body hormonal disorder

- Malnutrition

Thyroid disorders

- Alopecia areata

Prostate cancer

Radiation and chemotherapy of cancer

Deficiency of some types of nutrients

Stages of male pattern baldness

1- Thinning of hair in the temples area

And it is the area located in the corners of the forehead, where the hair in this area begins to thin and become fragile and easy to break and break, and then its number gradually decreases, and this condition extends to the top of the back of the head and often begins in adolescence

2- Receding hairline

This stage is called regression of the hairline, where the thinning hair recedes around the front of the head and the sides only, and then the baldness begins to appear clearly

3- Deep depression in the temples area

The features of hereditary alopecia in men at this stage appear significantly, as the hair line in the temples area recedes significantly, forming two highly visible triangles in the corners of the forehead.

4- Vacuum crown of the head

After the appearance of the two empty corners in the head, the widening of their area is followed by the convergence of these two distances, and the density of hair in the area between them gradually narrows until it becomes completely bald, while hair grows naturally in an area behind the head and on the sides

Risk factors for male pattern baldness

Parents' family history

the age

Excessive underweight

chronic diseases


Is it possible to stop the progression of genetic baldness in men?

In fact, it is possible to control the development of genetic baldness and stop it to a certain extent when starting treatment in a young age and when the first signs of baldness are noticed without waiting.

Where the hair follicles are still healthy and have not been permanently destroyed, in addition to this, some laboratory tests for some nutrients must be carried out because their deficiency causes an acceleration of genetic baldness. These tests include: parathyroid hormones, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, Iron stocks, etc.

Treatment of genetic baldness in men

Hair Transplant

It has become the most famous method in the recent period because of its satisfactory results and successful and effective experiences. Its methods differ between countries, but all lead to the same method by transferring a skin patch from the areas of permanent hair growth to the bald area to be treated permanently, but one of the negatives of this procedure is not Its results appear quickly, but it takes about 6 to 9 months for the real results to appear, and it is considered a very costly procedure, in addition to the fact that the situation may relapse in some people later and genetic baldness returns to control the situation

laser treatment

This method relies on directing specific rays of light and thermal waves to stimulate hair growth and activate the follicles, thus treating genetic baldness in men and significantly enhancing hair density.

Plasma injection

It is considered one of the latest applications in the field of cosmetic medicine recently, as it depends on taking a sample of the blood of a person with hereditary epilepsy. After this sample is centrifuged, the blood fluid separates into a transparent upper layer called plasma and a red lower layer that contains all other blood components.

The upper layer rich in platelets is taken and injected into the bald areas of the scalp to stimulate hair growth and activate its follicles. Despite its good effectiveness in hair re-growth, there are a few cases that did not respond to it

hormonal therapy

This treatment depends on medicines that contain the active substance “Finasteride”, which works to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, and thus the hair follicles are not affected by the decrease in the hormone and baldness does not occur, but this treatment does not give effective results in all cases

minoxidil medication

This medication is used topically on the scalp. It has many concentrations that differ between women and men. It may give good results in the early stages of male pattern baldness. Minoxidil must be applied for long periods of time until results are noticed.



In the end, we will have learned the most important information related to genetic baldness in men and all its details. We inform you that if you have genetic baldness and live in the Republic of Turkey, you have a golden opportunity to treat this condition, as hair transplantation is spread in Turkey within specialized clinics and departments in hospitals. At reasonable prices compared to other countries, laser technology and plasma injections are available to promote hair growth in Turkey, and it has become a pioneer in this field, making the case of genetic baldness in men a simple case that can be treated in this country with ease, safety and an acceptable cost.


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