This policy is designed to help you understand the nature of the data we collect from you when you visit our website and how we handle this personal data.


We have not designed this site to collect your personal data from your computer while browsing this site, but only the data provided by you will be used with your knowledge and sole will.

Internet Protocol Address (IP)

Any time you visit any Internet site, including this site, the host server will register your IP address, the date and time of your visit, the type of internet browser you use and the URL of any website that refers you to that website.

Web Surveys

Our online surveys enable us to collect specific data such as the data required of you about your outlook and feelings about our site. Your responses are of paramount importance and appreciated, as they enable us to improve the level of our site, and you are fully free and chosen to provide data about your name and other data.

Links To Other Websites

The site may include links to other websites or ads from other sites such as Google AdSense that are outside our control and are not covered by this privacy policy. If you access other sites by using available links, operators of those sites can collect information from you for use by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from our policy.